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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Wizardry 5 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-28 11:31:19 Views : 26267 Cheat : Use of a good sector editor (NU from Norton Utilities for example) can allow one to modify selected data to create a playable set of characters for Wizardry V, rather than the 'wimps' one usually starts with. This gives a player a chance to play with 'decent' characters. Data resides on sectors 92-93-94 (a disk has sectors 0-719 decimal). Conts. Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Sector 92 92 92-93 93 93-94 94 (All the following locations are in Hex) #chars in name 0 F6 1EC 1D8 CE char name (15 MAX) 1-F F7-105 1ED-1FB E3-F1 1D9-1E7 CF-DD #chars in passwd 10 106 1FC F2 1E8 DE pswd name (15 MAX) 11-1F 107-115 1FD-B F3-101 1E9-1F7 DF-ED race (1 to 5) 20 116 C 102 1F8 EF class (0 to 7) 22 118 E 104 1FA F0 alignment (1 to 3) 24 11A 10 106 1FC F2 lockbit (boolean), status, age (integer), ability, saving throw (go here) Gold (LO-HI bytes) 34-35 12A-12B 20-21 116-117 C-D 102-103 items held (8) 3A 130 26 11C 12 108 actual items 3C-5B 132-151 28-47 11E-3D 14-33 10A-129 (8 bytes ea) experience (LO-HI) 5C-5F 152-155 48-4B 13E-141 34-37 12A-12D previous level 62 158 4E 144 3A 130 current level 64 15A 50 146 3C 132 current Hit Points 66-67 15C-15D 52-53 148-149 3E-3F 134-135 maximum Hit Points 68-69 15E-15F 54-55 14A-14B 40-41 136-137 spells known, max spell available, current spell available, fight level. armor class, regeneration, poison, autokill, number of swings, damage (go here) Race: 1=Human, 2=Elf, 3=Dwarf, 4=Gnome, 5=Hobbit Class: 0=Fighter, 1=Mage, 2=Priest, 3=Thief, 4=Bishop, 5=Samurai, 6=Lord, 7=Ninja Alignment: 1=Good, 2=Neutral, 3=Evil Good ones to change: Hex Decimal #Gold............... 5555 21845 #Experience......... 55555 349525 #Hit Points......... C7 199 Be careful; putting in too large a number makes the value negative. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Wizardry 5 cheat codes.
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